Kamis, 29 September 2016

Your favorite selfie and why

Ainun Najib is the full name of the author of the book entitled: “Rekontruksi Makna Istilah Ahl al-Kitab dan Variasinya Dalam al-Qur’an”. he is more familiarly called by people who are nearby, as Najib or Ranjib or Ra. he was born in villages Rasau river, Sungai Pelaik, Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan Province, from couples K.H. Abd. Syakur Walid Nurhalim and Hj. Rohela, the fourth of seven children. Father and mother was a religious teacher and founder and pioneer Darun Nasyi'in boarding school in Sungai Rasau, West Kalimantan.
Since childhood Najib live in an environment of relative religious and from childhood he has been familiarized by his father with little taught Arabic. But his formal education, starting as a small Najib banished to boarding school Qiyamul Mannar II, Sedayu, Gresik, East Java, about the time he was seven years old. But in the hut he did not complete, because in the cottage specifically accommodate santri young can only last as long as, estimates, two years and a half and then it was not the mole or idle for approximately two years and then went again to hone and study the science of religion kepondok Mambaul Ulum boarding-Bata-bata, Pemekasan, Madura, from MTs. to pass the MA. After graduating from the MA of the short second time, he was then assigned to the Pondok Pesantren Mambaul Wisdom, Sampang, Madura, and after completing his service, precisely in 2009, he then continued his studies to UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta at the Faculty of Islamic Theology Department of Tafsir Hadith.
In addition, he actively organize, for example in the SME JQH Al-Mizan Exegesis in the division as a board and in FKMD (student communication Forum Darun nasyi'in) served as honorary chair, and various other organizations. There is some work that had he completed, ie translating the book of al-Shari'ah mar'ah Baina wa al-life, the work of Muhammad al-Habsy, translation named “peran perempuan di antara hukum syariat dan sosial”, seruan al-qur’an untuk bani isra’il, nahwu li al-nasyi’in, and indahnya puasa.  I love him, because he was my teacher, adaptable on all the meetings, and his cool when invited to talk. 

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